Living in the reality of the resurrection does, indeed, change everything. Jesus risen makes the good  in life better and the better in life best. He brings lasting happiness in the midst of success. He brings understanding in the midst of confusion. He brings strength in the face of challenge. He brings hope in the throes of defeat. With Him there is never a darkness that can stand against His dawn . . .


Jesus has risen
I can live
In hope

That keeps me smiling
In good moments
And in bad,
I can live
In joy
That renews
My spirit
When I think
I need it least
And when I know
I need it most,
I can live
In peace
When the sun
Smiles, his rainbow

In the sky
And when the
Thunder and the lightning
From the storm
Batter my heart,
I can live
In love
That walks with me
When I am lonely,
Carries me

When I am weak,
Counsels with me
When I am confused,
Laughs with me
When I am happy,
Dances with me when
I celebrate,
Weeps with me
When I am sad,
And raises me
When it appears
I am dead.

March 26, 2016
Philippians 1:21